• 3D Renders

    3D Renders

    The visualization of spaces as part of the cinema production design process is a great challenge for me. A 3D and posterior render always helps to visualize things and put them into perspective before bringing them to life. Here some views modeled with 3d studio max or sketchup (each element on the scene has been…

  • Mechanic Nativity

    Mechanic Nativity

    This is a series of small sculptures I did only by using pieces I already had, all from the same old box we have at home. It was like having a restricted source/parameter, and working out a solution with it. The limitation turned into a tricky puzzle, very surprising -even for me- at the end.I started…

  • The architectural background

    The architectural background

    Although life may take you through its many different paths, with lots of turnarounds, unpredictable ends and surely unexpected new beginnings, everyone has a background. Architecture is mine. Having finished the studies in Barcelona, and despite a short trajectory as an architect, it still influences me in important measure my way of looking at the…

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